Friday, December 7, 2012

Stephanie and Science Fairs

In Chapter 7, I read about science fairs and the general guidelines that a teacher should follow in order to begin sponsoring such a fair.   Our textbook authors suggest that students need  at least six weeks in order to complete their projects.  This reading reminded me of being in elementary school and how excited I was to do my science fair project with my parents. I did mine on the solar system.    All of fourth graders presented their projects in the gym. We presented our projects to the  whole school during the day and then our parents came in the evening to see all of our hard work. I was so excited to see everyone’s projects and to have them see mine. question to each of you is this:

Did you ever take part in a science fair when you were elementary school? Or did you see one during your observation hours? Would you consider setting up a science fair when you become a teacher? Would you attempt to involve the other teachers? What are some  of, the tips that were mentioned in Chapter 7 that you would consider before you attempted to sponsor a science fair.     Do you feel that there is any educational value to encouraging your students to take part in a science fair?   What is that educational value?    

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Jessica and Science

My favorite part of Chapter 5 of our class science text came toward the end of the chapter when the authors discussed students and their natural curiosity.  The authors described how children use all of their senses to learn about new things  throughout their day.  The authors suggest that teachers need to be the ones who spark a student’s interest, if it is not already there, and let them explore.  We should give students plenty of hands-on activities because it helps keep their interest and allows them to learn science naturally.  Teachers should create a classroom filled with challenges and excitement  that encourage students to learn all  subjects.  We should find ways to help students make connections and really get involved.

Have you had teachers who sparked your interest in school?  What did they do to catch your attention?  What is your least favorite subject and how do you think you could turn it around to make it fun for your future students?