Friday, December 7, 2012

Stephanie and Science Fairs

In Chapter 7, I read about science fairs and the general guidelines that a teacher should follow in order to begin sponsoring such a fair.   Our textbook authors suggest that students need  at least six weeks in order to complete their projects.  This reading reminded me of being in elementary school and how excited I was to do my science fair project with my parents. I did mine on the solar system.    All of fourth graders presented their projects in the gym. We presented our projects to the  whole school during the day and then our parents came in the evening to see all of our hard work. I was so excited to see everyone’s projects and to have them see mine. question to each of you is this:

Did you ever take part in a science fair when you were elementary school? Or did you see one during your observation hours? Would you consider setting up a science fair when you become a teacher? Would you attempt to involve the other teachers? What are some  of, the tips that were mentioned in Chapter 7 that you would consider before you attempted to sponsor a science fair.     Do you feel that there is any educational value to encouraging your students to take part in a science fair?   What is that educational value?    


  1. I love the idea of a science fair. When I was younger, my school never did a science fair so I never got to experience this, but I always heard other kids talking about it.(students from other schools, cousins, etc.) I always wanted to know what it was like to participate in one. As a teacher I would 100% have my students partake in a science fair. I think these events are great because each student gets to come up with their own idea or project and share it with others. Then, these students are eager to see their other classmates projects as well. This can inspire these children to maybe want to perform an experiment they saw at the fair or get them interested in new science ideas. There is nothing wrong with that, I think it is wonderful. Like we last discussed in Jessica's blog, when students are interested is when they learn best; so when the students get to really examine these exeriments and projects, as well as take it upon themselves to try them at home, they are enjoying learning.

    Unfortunately, I've also never seen one performed over my years of observing, which would be all the more reason for me as a future teacher to create my own science fair for the children.

  2. Unfortunately, I have never participated in a science fair or observed one. I think that they are a great idea. It really gives students a chance to get into their projects and do the best they can. I also love that they can present them and explain their process and possibly what they did or didn't do to make their project work.
    When I was in elementary school, one project I remember was when we got to make our own cell. I got so excited because we could make it out of anything we wanted, we just had to have all of the necessary parts. When students get excited about their work, it is much more enjoyable and they are more likely to learn something.

  3. WHen I was in elementary school, the fifth graders ALWAYS had a science fair. When i got to fifth grade it was one of the things I was excited to do, but for some reason that I can't remember they called it off. I can remember being extremely upset by it. It was one of those things I saw all the older kids getting excited about and I never got to experience it. Because of that I would Definitely try to set one up for my students and hopefully other classes will participate as well. If the students have a choice of what to do for their projects they will really enjoy doing them and I know they'll love to present them to their classmates and parents. If one student is excited over something other students grow interest because they wan to share in the excitement. I think it's a great idea to host a science fair and it is something I look forward to as a teacher!

  4. As a student I never had the privilege of participating in a school wide Science fair. I have participated in strictly classroom Science fairs, but not one in which we set up everyone’s projects in the gym. I would most definitely consider setting up a science fair when I become a teacher. The whole idea is very exciting to students, they especially like the fact that they can display their hard work school wide. One of the main tips I would consider when setting up the science fair would allow the students to have significant time to set up and work on their projects. Another tip I would take advantage of is asking other teachers to get involved in the set up and running of the science fair. The whole idea will be very difficult for one teacher to accomplish, especially setting up the gym for the fair. I feel 2 or 3 teachers are necessary to set up a science fair. Science fairs are very valuable because students can choose any topic that interests them. They then can work on this project with their parents or in groups. They also seem to enjoy the whole experience which will give them a positive view of science for later in life.

  5. My elementary school held a science fair as well. We had ours once we reached 6th grade. I did mine on tsunamis. Just like Stephanie we set up in our school gym and the whole school got to walk around and visit all the different tables. I thought it was a great project. Also, students feel extra responsible to do their best when they know they will be presenting for an audience. I would definitely try to incorporate this type of fair for my future students.

  6. I remember doing a science fair when I was in 8th grade and I really loved it. Each of us had to come up with an experiment to carry out with our partner and put it into a trifold board to present at our Science fair by the end of the year. I think this is a great way to get students to show their work and demonstrate how hard they worked. During our science fair we had parents come in and look at our work which I think is another positive to having a science fair. Overall students enjoy the experience and I would definitely have one in my future classroom.

  7. I never got the chance to participate in any science fairs. My elementary school nor high school ever had science fairs. I've never been given the opportunity to observe one either. I observe in my own town where I want to school and I don't believe that my town sponsors science fairs though I feel they should.
    I would definitely consider setting up a science fair when I become a teacher as long as I have the cooperation of other teacher's within my school because I would definitely want them involved. I feel it would be that much better if the whole school was involved.
    I feel science fairs have a lot of education value. It helps them to experiment and test out different experiments to come up with the results they want. It makes them work hard and think outside the box. They have fun all while learning something very educational.
