Monday, October 15, 2012

Stepahnie asks about class discussions? Why don't we just lecture?

Chapter 7 is all about the use of successful strategies for social studies teaching and learning. One of the strategies mentioned is classroom discussion. The four components of classroom discussion, according to the author,  are: information base, central focus, effective questions, and a supportive environment.

In order to have a successful discussion, the teacher must have organization and good classroom management. When teachers  are aware of what the topic is and  then use the right questions in order to prompt interesting, throught provoking, challenging answers, discussions can  help benefit students because, in my estimation,  the knowledge discussed will stick with them.  Do you agree with this assumption on my part?    How do you feel about classroom discussions? How often should they be used? Are they always effective, or does it depend on the topic and/or the teacher?  Can you think of teachers that you have had who conducted very topic-centered, productive classroom discussions?   What qualities did those teachers have?   




  1. I agree with Stephanie that classroom discussions can be very beneficial. I think a discussion can be incorporated into any type of lesson. Many students who don't fully understand a lesson and have questions will greatly benefit from classroom discussions. In 6th grade I had a teacher who would always leave time for classroom discussion after every lesson. It helped clear up and questions any of the students had and always benefitted me. Therefore, I will definitley use classroom discussions in my classroom.

  2. I agree that discussions are important to incorporate into a classroom. One main reason I feel that they are beneficial is because by having an open discussion it relieves any fear a student may have of asking a question during a lecture. Most children are afraid to ask questions because they are embarrassed that they are confused. A discussion allows all the students to openly speak about issues they may have or actively engage, and one students way of explaining something may help other struggling students who didn't understand the teacher.

  3. I agree with Scott and Stephanie. I feel classroom discussions are a big part of lessons in the classroom. Students benefit more when discussing their own thoughts and ideas with the teacher and their classmates rather than just listening to their teacher lecture. I also feel that if the teacher can challenge students to think more critically by maybe relating their lesson to everyday life situations, they will grasp a better understanding of the concept that is being taught. I believe that classroom discussion is something that could be effective whether you use it once a day or everyday. That should all depend on the teacher. From personal experience, I have always been able to understand what is being taught and actually have it stick in my head when I am relating it to personal experiences or talking from my own opinion. I have watched my cooperative teachers challenge students with questions that have forced the students to think outside of the box. I have always seen it to be a very effective way of teaching for both the teacher and the students.

  4. Classroom discussions should definitely be used in the classroom. It gives students the opportunity to voice their opinion and learn from one another. It also can give the teacher an idea of what students are really understanding the topic. In some instances, classroom discussions can even act like a debate and allow students to see all sides and opinions. The teacher should try to keep some control over it. For example, you do not want students to ramble or hog the spotlight. The teacher should make sure the subject stays on the main issues.

  5. I agree with my classmates that discussion is the way to go. I had a teacher in high school and all she did was lecture. I did not learn anything from her class, and I was always afraid to raise my hand. i believe that with classroom discussions, the students as well as the teacher can learn. With just the teacher lecturing, there is only one thing to learn and one way to learn it. With discussions, the students might show the teacher a different way to look at things. They can also question things they are unsure of. I also agree with Jessica that the teacher should keep control over it, and it is not just a free time to talk about anything.

  6. I agree as well. Discussions in class should be used at least once a day if not more. Making sure every student is involved in what is occurring inside the classroom at all times is essential; so what better way then by getting them all to participate in a class talk. If we as teachers do not do this, how will we know if a student just sat through a 45 minute period without taking in any information. By discussing we can know this for sure.

    I think it is always effective as long as the teacher presents the opportunity to discuss daily. From when I was younger teachers would be able to get students started in a discussion by simply asking questions related to the topic. Then you would find students interested in the topic and eager to share their thoughts. You may even find some that can relate to the topic so this will engage the students, too. Without question discussion is needed amongst the class and teacher in order to know if they are "getting it."

  7. I agree having an organized classroom leads to a fun and interactive classroom where students can become more engaged and enthusiastic about lessons. The teacher I am with now is Mrs. Nazarian and she is very organized and constantly reminds the kids to follow her lead, even with something as simple as a ten subject folder to keep all their work seperated. She is a very fun loving teacher and the kids love her, she says the key is to not only earn their respect but to provide a classroom that the students enjoy to be in.
